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Services  Master Planning
Lawrence Technical College
Master Planning
Integrated approach covers every aspect of planning in-house.
Cross-discipline workflow.
A master plan means everything from campus to site to building planning. Whether you’re preparing for growth, adapting to changing technologies, deepening existing capabilities or modifying operations in the face of shifting business, a comprehensive master plan can bridge the gap between your present needs and future requirements.

HED’s master planning process integrates architects, engineers (structural, MEPFP and low voltage), landscape designers and urban planners. We begin by learning about your organization to gain an understanding of it, and then help define and solidify the goals. Our team evaluates current resources with respect to assessing the potential impact of future plans, raises key questions for consideration, and then explores scenarios to help your organization determine the best path forward.

Inclusive and collaborative, our process leverages visioning sessions, workshops and interviews to build consensus, deepen buy-in and solidify a collective vision for the future. Our capabilities also include space, equipment and site planning and assessment; facilities and infrastructure planning and assessment; site, building and energy studies; and healthcare, PreK-12, higher education, data center, energy, sustainability, laboratory, workplace, housing, and industrial planning experts.

Taken together, our rigorous, holistic approach results in a detail- and data-driven comprehensive master plan that not only helps you to define your vision for the future, but also clarifies and defines the path to get there.
Integrated approach covers every aspect of planning in-house.
Master Planning